The photo is what everyone wants access to. PhotoNodes creates solutions for NGBs and sport photographers for their unique distribution style. Simply use passwords to keep your galleries or favorites private. You can manage your photos and what interested parties can see and use. Also, media requests are at your fingertips. PhotoNodes has a place where you can securely place and update galleries. You have control what third parties can access.
Value added services
The photos are taken, and the memory mates, trading cards, and photo button fundraisers are all distributed. What is it that keeps your leagues tied to you, to insure their future business? It’s the product: your photos. PhotoNodes now enables you to set up events for all your leagues. Turning on favorites allows parents to add their shots taken during the season. Then, the whole team can share and interact with the photos. All the cell phone, team, individual, and action shots go in one area, where they can pick favorites and share with everyone.
Action Stations
Set up a few PhotoNodes kiosks and all the photos are available for viewing and printing onsite. You can even use the live-sync feature to shoot the action with a Wi-Fi-enabled Canon camera. Upload action photos directly into the gallery you have set up. Let parents view the event photos wherever they may be using the PhotoNodes app. Photos are ready to print when they come to you through the kiosk node or the event information site, using direct links.